How to choose a drycleaner: Part Two

Consider the time and commitment that the average person invests each time they visit a salon for hair care or body work. A good drycleaner recognizes your investment in your wardrobe and needs your understanding of the often-difficult task it is to protect that investment. Mutual respect and an eye toward the same goal combine as important ingredients for a successful relationship.

There can be great disparity among drycleaners – as with restaurants—and there are many different attitudes toward perfection. You know what your comfort level is. Assess yourself, decide what is best for you, and then set out to find the drycleaner that offers you the best fit.
You are now officially warned: there is no requirement, license (other than a business license) or certification to become a drycleaner – all they need is a sign!
Factors in the decision:
Selecting a drycleaner is a personal issue. In considering your drycleaning needs, you must find the balance of several elements: convenience, price, quality, serviced offered, customer care and expertise. How these items are prioritized vary with every person. Take a moment and consider each factor.

  • Remember that rush our, both morning and night is a high traffic time at your dycleaner’s counter. If time is a consideration, ask if the cleaner promotes a quick-drop method.
  • Is free parking and easy access available?
  • If you pick up and drop off on the way to work, consider these issues: some clothing can fade if left in direct sunlight for an extended period. The heat of a closed car can diminish a crisp finish on your clothing. Security may also be a consideration if clothing is visible in your car.
  • Flexible hours
  • Pick up and delivery service.
Price is usually dictated by quality. Do you wear clothing that demands hand ironing and excellent spot removal at a higher price, or will a discount cleaner satisfy your needs? If you opt for the cheaper cleaner, I don't believe it is fair to hold then responsible when they ruin your white designer shirt. They are cheap because they cut corners, and the buyer should beware!

This goes along with price. In drycleaning, you usually get what you pay for. Fine drycleaning requires constant training for every position in the cleaners. Everyone from Finishers to the Drycleaner and the Customer Service people need to be kept current in order to maintain quality. The changing nature of chemicals, and textiles require it!.

When you have a complaint about quality, you have a lost garment; you need something in a rush; or you need a special favor, such as a quick repair or special delivery you’re your drycleaner there for you. Whether discount or custom, your cleaners should “bend over backward” for you. Expect no less.

Choosing a drycleaner is as personal as your wardrobe. When it comes to drycleaning there are tangible differences. I believe that if you do enough drycleaning, you will eventually have a problem. It may or may not be the cleaners fault - often the manufacturers are at fault and the cleaner is blamed. What sets a drycleaner apart, is how they handle the issue and if the customer is happy (as possible) with the outcome.

In the final analysis, you need to do the taste test yourself.

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